Theme: A memories to remember Part 1
Location: Bus stop UPM

hi are you? i'm sooo fine..u know why? because i already finished my study..yeap..i completed my degree.. :) jadinya sebagai kenang-kenangan, me and my friends, take a few pictures around upm..yelah..nak abis dah kan.. kenapa kitorang pilih bus top sebagai lokasi yang pertama? sebabnya..semuanya bermula di sini..kat bus stop nilah, kitorang tunggu bas masa mula2 dulu..freshie gitu..hehe..pergi dan balik kena tunggu bas, sambil tunggu bas, chatting bagai n tergosip gak kekadang..hehe..biasalah..girl we all decide..this is the first location.. it would be nice if there a lot of friends there right? unfortunately, we missed the photoshoot amongs our coursemate a day before due to some reason, so we decide to do it trio, between me, mas and we come up with this.. there will be part 2 and 3..wait and see:)

p/s: watermark lain kan, sebenarnye nak upload kat FB dulu, tapi pasal malas nak guna banyak watermark, so guna yang nilah untuk entry part 1,2 & 3 ye

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